Posted by Ron Prinzlau On July 16, 20140 Comment

Translated by Bjørn Henschke


Sellaronda Hero in Wolkenstein at the21.6.2014

Hard, Harder, Hero. That´s it, how to describe the race in the Dolomites, with start and finish in Wolkenstein. Facts proof that it´s one of the hardest races in Europe. 3300m of altitude over 62km.

Not enough, over 30km of single trails, makes you feel, you are an hero of the best MTB-Course. Rest of the course was bitumen, while riding thru villages, and rough gravel and steep sections. And always the fantastic scenery of the Dolomites, which will cure you a bit.
pirate14sellaronda6We were placed in different start blocks, Thomas in block 13 and myself in 9, it was like starting out of different villages. The km you rode more, wasn´t counted into the overall valuation. The first main goal, was to pass as much riders as possible before the upcoming single trails, to avoid the traffic jams of the hobby bikers.

The Free ride-trail, from the Grödner Joch down to Colfosco, with each 500m of “ DEEP” altitude. It started with a smooth lawn trail, than over sand, with small jumps, some up and downs and small bridges. Sadly, we weren´t allowed to use the lifts up the mountains, like the Campolongo, Pordoijoch or the Sallajoch, but like that, you don´t become a MTB-Enduro Hero.

It was a tough job to do. Hard work, but with lots of viewers, spectators and supporters by the side, who cheered you up the mountains. We still had           to pass lots of other riders, but sometimes in between, you had to queue up in the single trails, because some, aren´t made to ride single trails. Thomas met lots of jams, he even got the time to sent me pictures of his line up. I got almost no traffic after the first two ascents. Thomas had some additional hindrances, the other riders. Some other hindrances, which were rolling were, Road bike riders, who thought, barriers are for others, and even thought about riding against the wind. Next time, my dear road bike rides, we will be not that friendly. Your days are counted“ 😉

The race was attended by helicopters and Video-UAS, which broadcast the pictures live inside the Italian TV and for Eurosport 2. After about 5h I crossed the finish line. I felt very good, I remarked it, when we entered the first hill. Even because of the bad starting place, I made it to the 11th place in my class, male license M1. I don´t think about, what would, could be, if I had a better starting place. I don´t quite know, how they decide, who will get into which starting block. We registered only minutes after opening the online-registration, and I got a official license. Who knows?

Thomas took the 230th place in his class, Male Masters 2, and when he finished he was being questioned by the moderator, before we could enjoy the finish area snacks, and later beer, pizza and pasta. His time about 8:30h, enough time to enjoy the scenery, to learn the language of the groundhogs. I did it, during the next days, because we spent over a week there.
pirate14sellaronda2The marathon wasn´t the only race here at the Sellaronda Hero, even for the, our kids, they got race, Hero Kids. The Pirate offspring, Zoë and Connor, did a good job. Over a distance of 1.5km, a sprinting race, this was also attended by lots of inhabitants, viewers, spectators and supporters.


Doch der Marathon ist nicht das einzige Rennen beim Sellaronda Hero, unsere waren „Heros“ waren das Pirate Nachwuchsteam Zoe und Connor, die die Piratenfahne beim „Hero Kids“ Rennen hochielten. Dieses ging über einen Sprintkurs von eineinhalb Kilometer Länge, welches den Zuschauern im Ort für Stimmung und Unterhaltung sorgte und die Rennfahrer von Morgen ins Rampenlicht stellte.

See you soon,

Thomas Büttner, Michael Gnannt, Zoe and Connor

Pictures: Michaela Krause and Sportograf