Posted by Ron Prinzlau On November 18, 20130 Comment
Bulletin by Ronald Prinzlau
Translated by Bjørn Henschke
Yesterday was the great Stevens CC-Cup, but this time it was in Kaltenkirchen. Like the lsat times I wanted to park at the parking lot of Dodenhof, but sadly this time they changed the location of the start and finish area. Frequently I told the organizers of the races, that they should offer an address on their websites or flyer for the GPS, to arrive. Anyhow…we made it…and the organizer should not eonder about shrinking numbers of participants.
And while I´m still in the mood. The event lives of the participants, and when there is a large number of starters, why don´t they offer more starting groups like over 50, or over 60. The people would be excited about it and maybe some more starters will come. Wait, no good, we just want to stay with ourselves, or what???
Well, enough of it, it was a fantastic event, with lots of delicious cake, pie´s and coffee.
First the ladies: But what´s going on? Silke was the only Pirate. Julia became ill, but the was their for cheering. Benita is doing a tiny-Pirate break( pregnant). Now, everyone knows…
Silke rode her new Felt and just had to sit on the bike, the rest did the bike by itself. When you take a closer look at this pictures, you should have told Silke, that she didn´t had to watch her bike for during the race.
Than it was time for the old mules, with Robby KW, who won the race…
Yippieiyeh !!
Timo was the first drop out today, because of illness, besides me and Jule..
but until now, hedid a good job during the race and on the tough course.
At the end was time fort he hobby class over 40, like Frank, Heiko, Arne and…
Toddy, but he gave up because of illness as well.
Frank also had some problems and was just able to finish on the 5th place, but at least he was able to defend the overall leader jersey.
But afterall, everyone was happy and cheerful and were looking forward fort he next race to come.
at the end as usually, my „ Ronnywood Movie“: