Report by Caroline Pasedach .
It´s sux, if you´re ill and you don´t reach you amount of 200km a weekend. But it´s not a reason to stay in my bed. Life is too short not to go big, like downhill legend Josh Bender said.
Well, I´m doing the best of it, and tried myself on the bif fat wheels. Until 2006 I used to ride for the German 4X National Team and rode down several descents. Than it was all over for me, because I had a crash and broke myself 16bones. After that I just rode sometimes in the bike-park. But I did´nt really find a way back on it. But when I rode down a descent last week, together with a friend of mine in the bike-park of Beerfelden. A fire was set inside me again. DAMN IT, how could I forget, how much fun it was: downhill. And because I´m up to no good, I went this weekend to the bike-park in HAnenklee near Goslar and Wurmberg in Braunlage.
Test-course 1: Beerfelden
Beerfelden is like my home course, I know this park for more than 8years and every year it gets better. I can remember the time, when you had to ride up the hill by bus, now with the lift, it´s much better, but to be honest riding while hanging in the lift is not funny, even I didn´t fell off it like last time. The course is awesome, it got everything you might like, Downhill, Northshore or Pumptrack. And it doesn´t getting boring even after hours.
Test-course 2: Hahnenklee / Harz
The ropeway is better than riding a lift. The bikes got their own cabin. The course is not bad, but to be honest, what´s hard about riding a single trail. And riding bike cross, got nothing together with riding bike cross, I was disappointed. But maybe I´m spoiled because of riding on the World Cup courses.
Test-course 3: Wurmberg in Braunlage
The weather conditions weren´t comfortable today to ride, but I just wanted to check the course. You can ride up the hill by a ropeway as well and you just pay for the rides. It´s a long ride up the hill. You can take your time on the descent just to try the one or another jump. The course is awesome as well. Northshores, even for beginner, really good jumping hills and lots of roots. Sadly, I wasn´t able to inspect the whole course, but I will do that, as fast as I can.
Conclusion: Beerfelden is my home course and the other ones got no chance against it. But the lift is really bad. Between Hahnenklle and Braunlage is the winner: Braunlage. The long ropeway and the cheap tickets, my beloved trails and hindrances.