Posted by Ron Prinzlau On July 17, 20140 Comment
Translated by Bjørn Henschke
Hello Altogether!
On Saturday the 12.07, it was time for me again to travel to Albstadt, for the LBS-Marathon.
It was for me, maybe also for some other of these riders, my seasonal highlight, about 3300 wanted to participate. The distance was 84km and about 2000m of altitude.

Sadly it rained the week before the race, because of that I wasn´t n high spirit. But one reason for the start was, that I was placed in the first of 8 blocks, for the start.
Under these conditions, not the worst starting position.

Like every year, the time waiting fort he start, was quite comfortable. No stress by searching a parking lot or getting the starting packages. There are some other races. I participated this year, where it was else wise.
10:00o´clock was the start for me and the other 399 starters of block 1.Than the other blocks followed every 4 minutes.
Like last year, I started easy at the first ascent of 220m of height, even like the first 40km, the race is well known for its comfortable first half, and because of this, lot’s of rookies, start to fast. Later that race, when I passed the most recent part of the course in Onstmettingen, I started to accelerate and up the next ascent with about 20%, in Burgfelden.

When I got about 50km, it started to rain again, so the bad course became worse. Lot’s of mud, ponds, gravel forced everything of the riders, than not enough of the heavy conditions, I received my first cramp in my thigh.

The guy behind me saw this, and offered me a salt pill, which should rescue me over the next km`s. Totally sour, I went on the last km´s and last ascent and worst ascent, the ascent up to the Ochsensteige in Margrethausen. About 240m of altitude, totally torture.

The last hump, I just passed, without really get to know it and finally, the long wanted down hill part to Ebingen. But if you ride on the home straight, crossing the finish line, feeling the crowd next to the course, you know, it was worth it. With my time of 3:42:59.2h, I’m really satisfied under this conditions.

I ended up on the 58th place in my AG and 223rd overall. With this result, I will receive a place in block 1 again, for next year. I didn’t want more today, maybe just better weather next year.
Greetings Armin