At the 22.09 it was time, time for my first race as a Pirate!

Report by Armin Hondl                                                                                                                                                             .

After an injury of my hand, and a break of 2 weeks in September, I decided myself, to participate at a middle distance race( 2 rounds over 44km and 1100m of altitude), while we had wonderful weather. Soon after the start, I wasn´t able to hold the speed of the 6-7persons in front.


but I was able to hold my place in the first chase group. The course was really good to ride. Some parts of the course were really muddy, where my group became smaller during the first round.


During the 2nd round I crashed on a descent, than my tacho fell off my bike, but all the time I was able to catch with the group ahead of me, but I lost lot´s of power, because of that.


Without these incidents, it maybe would be enough for a podiums place in my AG. Anyhow, with my 10th place overall and 5th in my AG, I´m totally satisfied.


In the appendage, you´ll see some more pictures


Greetings  and chain mostright, Armin

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