Hello Pirates,

report by Stefan Werthmann                                                                                                                .


Now almost everyone knew Fürth, after they have been in the 1st Premier League in Soccer. But he town got more, of course. This weekend we had the 7th edition of the Metropol marathon. It´s with about 6400 starters, including more than 1900 kids, the 2nd largest contest of this kind in Bavaria.

The viewers, spectators by theside are awesome, you get cheered everywhere on the course by almost every citizen or you receive a cold shower by a hosepipe.
Pirate Fürth

The Police spoke about 40000 viewers by the side of this event and were absolutely friendly. The boss of the “ Deutsche Bahn” Rüdiger Grube, used this event to collect money for the victims of the floods. Each Euro he collected, he multiplied it by ten. Even the mayor of Fürth, Erlangen participated as well like the economy consultant of Nürnberg.

The weather was really good, already in the morning for the start of the half-marathon at 9:00o´clock we ahd about 24degrees. First I wanted to run under 1:30h, but because of thevheat, it took me 4 more minutes.
Rund 40 000 Zuschauer erlebten nach Polizeiangaben im Start- und Zielbereich auf der Fürther Freiheit und entlang der Marathonstrecke ein entspanntes und fröhliches Sportfest, das neben den sportlichen Herausforderungen auch viel Unterhaltung und Information rund ums Laufen bot.
Pirate Fürth

The BRK had to help until this moment about 35 people because of  their state of exhaustition and of cardiac and circulatory troubles, but the Police had nothing to do, at least.

My bulletin is a little bit short, because I prepare myself fort he TransAlp at the 23.06.13. I hope it´s all right for you I wish you all a pleasant evening with lots of greetings from  Fürth,

Pirate Fürth