Posted by Ron Prinzlau On Januar 02, 20140 Comment
Bulletin by Heiko Lehmann
Translated by Bjørn Henschke .
It all began in Harburg, Ron was involved in that. Just 2 days later, I went to the double race weekend of the Cup of Germany to Vechta and Herford. On both days the sun started to shine after 12:00o´clock and before it rained. Heiko´s start was at 10 and SIlke´s at 13:30o´clock.
…Yes…. No way…. All right….

Vechta offers you a changeful course, a few hills, a bit of forest and grass slalom. Heiko had a good start and was on the 4th place until they came onto the acre and than his power was gone. Later he told something about a twig in his shifting gear, when he finally finished on the 16th place. Robby KW just shook his head, because he had to repair it again and turned around and went to the cake´n pie buffet.
He did a good race,with lot´s of the German stars participating. Silke did it like Heiko. She started like a rocket and soon was on the 9th place until the acre. But the had a broke down as well, we better don´t tell Robert KW about it.

Than Timo showed us how to ride the course fast, and soon it was all over. After the visit, we went to Herford for the Sunday race. We were a little bit scared when we drove there and we kept the cars closed until we arrived on the camping place and saw the others of the CC-community and soon we fall asleep.
I got some words on my mind, let´s hope it will be dry…
The course was muddy, slippery, steep and mean, like a good movie. After inspecting the course we were in need of a complete bike cleaning.

Than it was Silke´s time to ride. Before the race she thought about not having a small chance, but after start sprint, she entered the area on the10th place and rode further on the 8th palce. Really ambitious. Than Bertram and Römer had a Pirate duel with Yvonne and Anne and at the end they finished on the never expected 11th place. One place ahead, she would be able to pay the coffee and cake of her prize money. Damn it.
What about Robert, at least he didn´t broke his bike and Thomas did a good race in a strong field.
Now just 2 weeks to go and we will be in Döhlau for the German Championships
… Stay tuned…
Lots of greetings…
Heiko Lehmann